Monday, October 22, 2007

Prosperity In Action and The Reverse Funnel System

One of the great things about the Reverse Funnel System is the TEAM approach. Everyone knows the old acronym for team: Together Each Achieves More. That's true when you work together, discuss whats working for you and share ideas on growing the business. It's even more true when a team has common goals.

The leadership calls for the Reverse Funnel System help you see just what Prosperity in Action can really be. Ty Coughlin set out to make 100 millionaires this year, and I believe he'll do it. The motivation for many is to help various communities and charities as well as improve their own lifestyles.

Being involved in a non-profit organization myself, I can tell you in recent years the donations have really waned. Our country has many needs, if more people would get involved with their time, talents or dollars we would show the world just what PROSPERITY IN ACTION is all about.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Reverse Funnel System and Prosperity in Action

There are a lot of people using the Internet to generate some kind of income. Part time, full time-dreams of becoming millionaires and tons of programs and products out there to feed that dream. Every ad promises easy money...if there really is such a thing. Why do all of these programs attract so many members? Is it GREED? DESPERATION???

What is your why? IF your why is strong enough, you'll do things you wouldn't ordinarily do. If your WHY is to help others, than you know the meaning of Prosperity In Action. Prosperity In Action is simply sharing your own prosperity with others. Your community, favorite charity, you name it. In seeking an opportunity to help support "The Children of The Son Ranch" it was important to find just the RIGHT opportunity, one that wouldn't interfere with time requirements of the ranch, one that had a good conversion rate (right now I think we are at about 40%-WOW) and didn't require any phone calling on my part.

When I first visited The Reverse Funnel page, I KNEW this was it. I had tried other ventures online, ended up spending more than I made, but honestly believed there had to a program out there that could help me. I didn't hesitate, and I haven't looked back. I have been working with the system, developing fast start materials for my team, and yes looking forward to putting my Prosperity in to Action.