Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Grim Future: When Children Age Out

If a child is twelve years old and in foster care, they have a 90% chance of “aging out” of foster care. Children who enter foster care after the age of twelve, or simply grow up in foster care until they are twelve, are never given the chance to have a family. In fact, 25,000 children “age out” of foster care every year. Aging out is what occurs when foster care children turn eighteen or twenty-one, and are no longer eligible for the benefits of the child welfare system. Aging out happens to foster care children who are never adopted, and never know the permanence and love of a single family. When a child ages out of foster care, they are considered an adult and are no longer “property” of the state.

A note to remember is that all states have different policies regarding the benefits “aged-out” foster youth have once they reach eighteen years of age. Some states allow former foster care children to keep health insurance until they are twenty-one, and even provide tuition for state college. Some completely cut off benefits on their eighteenth birthday, and foster children are given no shelter or educational chances. Some cut off benefits when they graduate from high school, under the assumption that somehow they can magically take care of themselves with a high school degree alone.

The amount of post-foster care assistance that an aged-out youth receives also depends on the quality of the social worker. Most foster children go through multiple social workers a year. Most social workers are bogged down by so many cases that they lose the ability to know their foster children personally. Programs also change annually, especially when new budgets are approved in state governments. Social workers often do not have the time to learn about new programs or new guidelines for foster care children. Many social workers also handle different types of cases at once, and cannot focus specifically on foster care children. This leads to thousands of children never receiving the post-foster care living programs and training they are entitled.

The consequence of a child aging out of foster care reaps a grim future indeed. 25% of them end up homeless. Chances are this number is much higher as you examine populations closer to age eighteen, when aged-out foster children are usually “kicked out” by the system. 56% of them are unemployed. Foster children who age out usually have no resources to even find jobs from the beginning; often lacking adequate transportation or even having an appropriate wardrobe. Most foster children also have no references for getting apartments or jobs. Two-thirds of them will never get a college degree either, due to the lack of professional references, proper high school education and lack of financial resources.

Aged-out foster youth also lack basic psychological counseling, which is absolutely mandatory for any child who has lost their entire family, siblings, and has been subject to abuse. The system itself abuses foster children in that it often splits up siblings, so much that some may never see each other again, or see each other only very rarely. To complement this, foster children who have aged-out experience clinical social anxiety, PTSD and personality disorders years into adulthood as their minds try to cope with the trauma they have endured for far too long. For children who age out of foster care, primary mental health, physical health and material needs must be fulfilled well beyond their eighteenth birthdays. The only way we can improve the lives of foster children who have aged-out is to participate in changing the way we practice social work. We also must challenge ourselves to be role-models to these young adults who have been constantly knocked down since birth. We can change the situation only by working together for solutions. The lives of former foster care youth are depending on our success for change.
Jamey and Katrina Madonna are the Founding Directors of “Children of The Son”, a non-profit organization for children who are victims of abuse, neglect, poverty and abandonment who are living in foster care, residential facilities and the inner-city. They currently operate a summer recreation camp for girls on a 1000 acre ranch.

Mr. Madonna is raising the necessary capital to build a permanent place of residence on his beautiful ranch for children ages 13 -21 who have run away, been abandoned or have “aged out” of the foster care system.

Jamey Madonna utilizes the very powerful Reverse Funnel System, a marketing system for Global Resorts Network, to make thousands of dollars per week to support this organization. His team of top income earners will show you a way to live a life of prosperity and happiness. Join him today and see how careful funds investment can result in actionable charity that can change an entire generation.

Jamey Madonna

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Jamey Madonna, Children at Your Feet

Wonder how you manage to make ends meet.... I know, I know-not quite right, a little poetic license on my part, but it does apply. Am I giving away my age?? Do you recognize the words?

Jamey Madonna and his wife Katrina provide invaluable services to needy children through Children of the Son Ranch, a 1000 acre ranch in Colorado. How do they manage to make ends meet? Jamey is using help form online businesses, Reverse Funnel System primarily.

He researched other systems to use but came back to RFS. Why? Because he says it works. He wants the best for his team, and the easiest system to master and spend time on for himself. The Reverse Funnel System provides the time freedom he needs to maintain the ranch and supervise the security for his precious visitors. In fact, a lot of the RFS members use their earnings to fund community and non-profit organizations. RFS provides an income substantial enough for individuals to get out of debt and begin helping others. THAT is true FREEDOM!!! That is really what life is all about to me. To have enough FINANCIAL health to be debt free and able to help anyone you choose. It is also good stewardship of our resources.

If you have an interest in true FREEDOM, maybe it's time you checked out Reverse Funnel System. Systems work if work the system.

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Testing is complete

Reverse Funnel System remains the number one way to generate leads and sales. I have researched other systems for my team, not even Carbon Copy comes close to the results of RFS. I had to update my Squidoo Lense and let them know it also. It is the EASIEST and requires the LEAST time of any of the marketing systems I tried. I was looking for the PERFECT SOLUTION for my team, and have decided that RFS is it so we are standing by it. We continue to get new leads and participants everyday.

Reverse Funnel System started out so fast and furious. As with all Internet programs it began to loose a little momentum. For that reason I decided to test a few other things, I want to insure the success of my team members. NOTHING came close. If you read this Blog, you know my "WHY" is important and I need the BEST results with the least time commitment. Managing our thousand acre ranch the children we provide services for is therapeutic, time consuming and tiring. So when I say RFS cannot be beaten in the market place, I am serious!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Prosperity In Action Teams up with GRN

Prosperity In Action is not just a concept.

It is a reality and the true focus of Jamey Madonna's everyday life.

He is continuing on his journey to help others prosper and using his own means of prospering to continue supporting The Children of The Son Ranch. He recently did a radio interview on the Ranch, just listen in while you surf the web to learn more about Jamey and the focus of his own Prosperity In Action. You can download it here:

What began as a calling to provide for abused children, has developed into Jamey Madonna's primary business strategy. His goal is to utilize what he has found to be the TOP income producing opportunities online to help other online business seekers, and fund worthwhile causes revolving around children.
His calling and the need fr funding lead him to the Internet. His success started with the Reverse Funnel System,which proved to be and do just what it said. It also introduced Jamey to Global Resorts Network (GRN) , which he has found to be an incredibly prosperous opportunity. He is going to be working with it and studying other marketing systems to help his team enjoy the incredible prosperity this program provides. Even if not looked at as a business opportunity, it offers great value at an incredible price. Take a look at Prosperity In Action and join a team that is working for not only their own lifestyle improvement, but to improve the world around them, or just enjoy the incredible benefits of GRN.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Another Aspect of Prosperity In Action

One of the main ingredients of Prosperity In Action is sharing my own experiences and the benefits of my own failures and due diligence.

I did the same thing everyone does when I started online. I bought in to the HYPE and tried the latest and greatest expecting it to be THE ANSWER. Guess what? There isn't a "THE ANSWER". I lost more money than I care to admit, so finding profitable opportunities to share is part of putting my own Prosperity In Action, along with building a team and mentoring them to attain their own prosperity...which they can put into action also.

If you have visited Prosperity In Action you know that my front page is based on The Reverse Funnel System. YES, I am making money. You can do it too. That's the beauty of TEAM work and a system. Does it mean the system works all by itself? NO, and if you follow through to read the primary website you will see it is for people willing to WORK the System, invest in themselves and their business. Systems are important, especially for new comers. It provides the basics for building not only this business but any others you participate in, but you have t be WILLING to follow it.

Travel and the Health and Wellness industries are the fastest growing online and off. If you haven't really selected a Home Business and are on the fence, think about enjoying the natural growth of the industries you decide to build around. At Prosperity In Action I offer both, so please review it and let me know what your thoughts are. Leave me a comment or two here, I'll be more than happy to respond. The over all goal here is to help others improve their lifestyles, making them able to do the same.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Prosperity In Action and The Reverse Funnel System

One of the great things about the Reverse Funnel System is the TEAM approach. Everyone knows the old acronym for team: Together Each Achieves More. That's true when you work together, discuss whats working for you and share ideas on growing the business. It's even more true when a team has common goals.

The leadership calls for the Reverse Funnel System help you see just what Prosperity in Action can really be. Ty Coughlin set out to make 100 millionaires this year, and I believe he'll do it. The motivation for many is to help various communities and charities as well as improve their own lifestyles.

Being involved in a non-profit organization myself, I can tell you in recent years the donations have really waned. Our country has many needs, if more people would get involved with their time, talents or dollars we would show the world just what PROSPERITY IN ACTION is all about.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Reverse Funnel System and Prosperity in Action

There are a lot of people using the Internet to generate some kind of income. Part time, full time-dreams of becoming millionaires and tons of programs and products out there to feed that dream. Every ad promises easy money...if there really is such a thing. Why do all of these programs attract so many members? Is it GREED? DESPERATION???

What is your why? IF your why is strong enough, you'll do things you wouldn't ordinarily do. If your WHY is to help others, than you know the meaning of Prosperity In Action. Prosperity In Action is simply sharing your own prosperity with others. Your community, favorite charity, you name it. In seeking an opportunity to help support "The Children of The Son Ranch" it was important to find just the RIGHT opportunity, one that wouldn't interfere with time requirements of the ranch, one that had a good conversion rate (right now I think we are at about 40%-WOW) and didn't require any phone calling on my part.

When I first visited The Reverse Funnel page, I KNEW this was it. I had tried other ventures online, ended up spending more than I made, but honestly believed there had to a program out there that could help me. I didn't hesitate, and I haven't looked back. I have been working with the system, developing fast start materials for my team, and yes looking forward to putting my Prosperity in to Action.